When I started selling on fiverr these are going to be five super practical things that I look at today and say gosh if I had these in my head when I started if I knew these things if I had planned on these things then maybe I would be farther ahead than I am today. Maybe I could have been even better off than I am today. These are also things that I certainly think will be true in the future. So if you follow these five things learn from my past experience then you're going to be better off as a fiver seller. Ready for number one.
The first thing I wish I knew when I started selling on fiverr is that my time and my talent is worth more than I was charging for it. That's something that almost all fiverr sellers need to learn or maybe for that matter all new freelancers they need to learn that their time, their talent, their skill, their ability is worth more than they're charging. Most of the time most freelancers have no idea what to charge for their services. So they end up charging less than they're worth just. So, they don't lose out on business but here's another thing that I’ve learned that's also connected to that most buyers don't use price as the determining factor for choosing which sellers to buy from and which sellers not to buy from. I realize messing with your prices on fiverr is a super serious thing. You really need to do your research and figure out where you should be. But most freelancers are underpricing their services skills or abilities you'll have buyers say things to you like that took you a half an hour why should I pay you three hundred dollars to do that.
Well the truth is you're worth three hundred because you've spent maybe three/ four/ five/ ten years perfecting that skill to be able to do it in a half an hour. If they could have just done it in half an hour they wouldn't have hired you. You have a unique skill and ability and that's why people are hiring you. So, you really need to think about what you're worth and if your price is appropriate or not. Now the reason I know this is because in the early days I got quickly overwhelmed with orders meaning that the market said hey this is a great service it's really undervalued. We all need to buy it and then I had to course correct. I had to raise my price. I had to play this game of cat and mouse with my price to try to get it to the right spot and really I haven't touched my prices in almost two years. Because I finally found the right spot and it took me almost seven or even six years to get there. So, what I’m saying is that from the beginning many freelancers need to charge more for their services. You need to be smart about it. But don't sit there behind your keyboard and worry that no one's going to buy from you because you're 10 more expensive than this person or 25 more expensive than that person. If you offer a quality service and quality is your selling point most buyers are going to go with the best quality, the best service, the best profile over who's the cheapest every day of the week and let me add this little asterisk to that. First point if somebody is looking just for the cheapest seller you don't want to work with that person. You want to wish them well and send them on their way to ruin someone else's day.
All right here's the second thing I wish I knew, when I started selling on fiverr I wish I knew that happy customers always come back and how big of an impact that would later have on my business. I know everybody realizes that happy customers leave good reviews they tell other people about you. They’ll probably even come back to you and ask you to do something else for them. If they ever have a need for your services again but what you don't realize is the network or the web of customers that you're building when you first start out. You may fulfill I don't know 10 orders a week. Maybe 50 orders a month maybe, it's 10 orders a month. But if you add that up if it's 10 orders a month in a year you've got 120 people 120 customers that you now have contacts with and those 120 people know. Let's say three people a piece 360 people. So, the web continues to go out and every day you fill orders and have new customers in your web and your network gets bigger. There are times when I am just run over with referrals from people who have told other people about our services. I'm run over with past clients coming back for another project I wish I had realized in the early days how important that was going to be to my business. Because I would have tried to be extra personable in the beginning not knowing whether or not that five dollar customer was going to turn into a 100 customer down the road or whether that 50 project would get you the referral for a 500 project down the road. You need to treat every single customer as though they are a million dollar customer because they could come back and be very valuable to you or they could tell many people about you and create extra value beyond their purchases.
All right here's the second thing I wish I knew, when I started selling on fiverr I wish I knew that happy customers always come back and how big of an impact that would later have on my business. I know everybody realizes that happy customers leave good reviews they tell other people about you. They’ll probably even come back to you and ask you to do something else for them. If they ever have a need for your services again but what you don't realize is the network or the web of customers that you're building when you first start out. You may fulfill I don't know 10 orders a week. Maybe 50 orders a month maybe, it's 10 orders a month. But if you add that up if it's 10 orders a month in a year you've got 120 people 120 customers that you now have contacts with and those 120 people know. Let's say three people a piece 360 people. So, the web continues to go out and every day you fill orders and have new customers in your web and your network gets bigger. There are times when I am just run over with referrals from people who have told other people about our services. I'm run over with past clients coming back for another project I wish I had realized in the early days how important that was going to be to my business. Because I would have tried to be extra personable in the beginning not knowing whether or not that five dollar customer was going to turn into a 100 customer down the road or whether that 50 project would get you the referral for a 500 project down the road. You need to treat every single customer as though they are a million dollar customer because they could come back and be very valuable to you or they could tell many people about you and create extra value beyond their purchases.
Now of course a part of being personable is not treating people like they're simply a transaction or someone that can make you money treat them like a human love on them. Serve them well and they will come back and refer you to others I wish I knew how important that was. At the very beginning when I was starting on fiverr and before I share the third thing with you I want to take a little break and ask you a question so leave me your answer in the comments down below. This question is for those of you that have been selling on fiverr for a little while what's one thing you wish you knew when you started that you could share with the other viewers here on the channel leave us your comments down below and tag it with quote for question of the day.
All right ready for the third thing I wish I knew when I started selling on fiverr it absolutely has to be this one I wish I knew that my services weren't for everyone. I think every single freelancer out there gets stuck in this one. We believe that everyone needs our service but the truth is you need to realize you only need a tiny little segment of the population. A tiny little segment of this world a tiny little segment of fiber buyers. Even a tiny little segment of fiber buyers looking for the service you offer on fiverr to purchase from you. For you to be successful and realize that not every buyer out there is a good fit for your process. Maybe your process is a bit more drawn out. It’s a little longer than others but the quality is superb well. A person looking for something quick and cheap is not going to be your customer. You need to realize that everybody who comes to you, everybody that sends you a message, everybody that sees your gig page is not going to be the right kind of customer for your service and you need to be willing to let them go. If you're not 100 confident don't try to grasp for struggle to get that one customer. If it's a good fit do it, if it's not a good fit then say I’m sorry, I’m really not the best fit. You need to learn to let customers go because trying to fit a round peg into a square hole is only going to cause you problems down the road open you up to. Bad reviews, negative buyer experiences and a whole other can of worms. So, realize not every customer is your customer and you don't need every person who sees your gig to buy from you.
To still be successful as a seller on fiverr item number four I wish I knew this and I hope all of you take this advice to heart I need you to realize whether you're a seasoned seller or brand new to this. That a bad review will not sink your ship. It is not the end of the road I’ve had so many of you leave me comments on this channel to say. I love selling on fiverr but I got a bad review. Today I’m goanna have to pack it up and just quit. Now I’m decimated a bad review doesn't stay at the top of your profile forever. Eventually there are going to be other reviews that cover it up. Do a good job fight for your account get your business going. What would happen if every single business closed up shop? The first time they had a negative buyer experience. No business would exist. Some of the largest corporations in the world have negative comments out there on the internet. About them yet people still buy from them. Bad reviews are not the end for you. You can do your best and if you do get a bad review.
I believe you can stick in there, fight through it. You can even come out better. On the other side because you should be learning something from every bad experience you have. I really hope this sets so many of you free from the anxiety and the stress of possibly getting bad reviews or the aftermath of getting a bad review. You message me all the time you're worried you're losing sleep. Don't do that do your best and realize you can't do any more than that. If you have a 4.9 star average instead of 5 someone will buy from you. You can get past it bad reviews are not the end and i wish every person knew that when they started on the platform.
Alright and last but not least the fifth thing I wish I knew when I started on fiverr is, I wish I knew back then in 2012 when fiverr was just a couple years old that it would become the freelancing powerhouse that it is today and I think for many of you. You could translate that if you're starting today. I hope you know that fiverr is a freelancing powerhouse worth billions and it's going to be around for a while. You are safe putting your ship in the fiber c putting your shingle out in the fiber marketplace. I believe it's a great place to invest your time. I believe it's a great place to build a profile. I don't believe you should be sitting there worrying. I am going to dump all this time and investment in the fiber and then it goes under or people stop using fiverr. The fiverr team is working hard to make sure this business grows. I heard as I listened to those internal employees express their gratitude and appreciation for not only having a job at fiverr but the platform and what they've been able to build together. I heard a lot of people that are incredibly proud of what they've done of the work that they've done and optimistic about the future.
All right ready for the third thing I wish I knew when I started selling on fiverr it absolutely has to be this one I wish I knew that my services weren't for everyone. I think every single freelancer out there gets stuck in this one. We believe that everyone needs our service but the truth is you need to realize you only need a tiny little segment of the population. A tiny little segment of this world a tiny little segment of fiber buyers. Even a tiny little segment of fiber buyers looking for the service you offer on fiverr to purchase from you. For you to be successful and realize that not every buyer out there is a good fit for your process. Maybe your process is a bit more drawn out. It’s a little longer than others but the quality is superb well. A person looking for something quick and cheap is not going to be your customer. You need to realize that everybody who comes to you, everybody that sends you a message, everybody that sees your gig page is not going to be the right kind of customer for your service and you need to be willing to let them go. If you're not 100 confident don't try to grasp for struggle to get that one customer. If it's a good fit do it, if it's not a good fit then say I’m sorry, I’m really not the best fit. You need to learn to let customers go because trying to fit a round peg into a square hole is only going to cause you problems down the road open you up to. Bad reviews, negative buyer experiences and a whole other can of worms. So, realize not every customer is your customer and you don't need every person who sees your gig to buy from you.
To still be successful as a seller on fiverr item number four I wish I knew this and I hope all of you take this advice to heart I need you to realize whether you're a seasoned seller or brand new to this. That a bad review will not sink your ship. It is not the end of the road I’ve had so many of you leave me comments on this channel to say. I love selling on fiverr but I got a bad review. Today I’m goanna have to pack it up and just quit. Now I’m decimated a bad review doesn't stay at the top of your profile forever. Eventually there are going to be other reviews that cover it up. Do a good job fight for your account get your business going. What would happen if every single business closed up shop? The first time they had a negative buyer experience. No business would exist. Some of the largest corporations in the world have negative comments out there on the internet. About them yet people still buy from them. Bad reviews are not the end for you. You can do your best and if you do get a bad review.
I believe you can stick in there, fight through it. You can even come out better. On the other side because you should be learning something from every bad experience you have. I really hope this sets so many of you free from the anxiety and the stress of possibly getting bad reviews or the aftermath of getting a bad review. You message me all the time you're worried you're losing sleep. Don't do that do your best and realize you can't do any more than that. If you have a 4.9 star average instead of 5 someone will buy from you. You can get past it bad reviews are not the end and i wish every person knew that when they started on the platform.
Alright and last but not least the fifth thing I wish I knew when I started on fiverr is, I wish I knew back then in 2012 when fiverr was just a couple years old that it would become the freelancing powerhouse that it is today and I think for many of you. You could translate that if you're starting today. I hope you know that fiverr is a freelancing powerhouse worth billions and it's going to be around for a while. You are safe putting your ship in the fiber c putting your shingle out in the fiber marketplace. I believe it's a great place to invest your time. I believe it's a great place to build a profile. I don't believe you should be sitting there worrying. I am going to dump all this time and investment in the fiber and then it goes under or people stop using fiverr. The fiverr team is working hard to make sure this business grows. I heard as I listened to those internal employees express their gratitude and appreciation for not only having a job at fiverr but the platform and what they've been able to build together. I heard a lot of people that are incredibly proud of what they've done of the work that they've done and optimistic about the future.
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